Yes, thank you, I need to arrange a nice presentation of those references, which involve very complex Jewish discussions of OT references- from angels on down. The key insight is that the Bible is a dense network of spiritual concepts that are only loosely related to the physical world. The Christian misreading--seeing everything as a physical object, with masculinist assumptions--was just monstrous.
Hair is highly metaphoric in Biblical spirituality and basically seems to mean a measure of "spiritual ability." The hair of priests was highly significant (cf. Lev 19:27, 21:5, Deut 14:1, etc.). Prophets were associated with lots and lots of hair (cf. Zech 13:4; Mark 1:6; Matt 3:4, etc.). Elijah is "lord of hair." The Nazirite references were important and found all over the NT narratives. It's just not possible to read this as about ordinary, literal hair on one's head.