The paternity of angels is a tricky issue even among Bible scholars. I've been thinking about this matter a lot, though you're perhaps the only person in the world who might really have ideas.
There are scholars who discuss it around the edges. I recently added a reference to my "Really, Really Weird" article: the Mormon scholar David Bokovoy had a 2013 paper on Cain being fathered or "procreated" by Yahweh.
Bokovoy seems to have been enthused by the subject of divine sexuality, but then doesn't seem to have done much with it.
Another Mormon scholar that I cite, Mike Pope, looks at the language around Jesus' paternity and sees references to ordinary sexuality, leaving the suggestion if not outright saying so that Mary & the 'angel' had sex in the normal way.
The curious fact might be that your basic interests might find the most interest among Mormons.
I've been wondering lately if the Christian, New Testament teaching is to have "sex" with Jesus. I'm haunted by 2 Cor 11:2: "I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him."
Is this metaphorical, i.e. worship is analogized as sex? I had assumed so, but against the backdrop of actual deity-human sex, I wonder if that's so clear.
What are angels, exactly? I had assumed they were divine beings, but the book "Becoming Christian" about early Christianity by Nancy L..Kuehl discusses the scene where Peter is released from prison by an angel in Acts 12:3–19: "The 'angel' who released him was probably Barnabas, who appears to have been related to Agrippa and knew the workings of the prison and the guards."
This raised for me the possibility that an angel was seen as a regular person, but one perhaps infused with some divine spirit or purpose. There is the odd scene with Samson's mother in Judges 13 where she sees an angel as an "awesome" being but her husband sees an ordinary man.
In the ancient world, gods were seen as sexual and available for male and female lovers. Perhaps it would be unusual for Jesus to NOT be seen as sexual. I've tried to find scholarship on sex with gods but it's a tricky matter. There is a paper talking about sex with Apollo but it's not very detailed and mostly seems to leave the impression that Apollo got a little rough.
Perhaps the uniqueness of Jesus as a lover was in being nicer?
But a deep and searching lover, to be sure. I'm understanding Hebrews 4:12 to actually concern Jesus as a phallic force. It reads in Christian translation:
"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
I do think this is a sex scene with God. It's not clear what the 'word' is, and I'm seeing indications that 'word' was associated with the 'herms' of the ancient world, phallic statues that stood as guardians over a city. In the OT, Yahweh is associated with pillars placed as guardians around the sacred community. It's a realm of scholarhsip that's also a bit outré, since it's not how "God" works in Christian imagination.
Reading Hebrews 4:12, where Jesus seems to be a penetrating force, I recall a line in an old James Bond novel I read once: that you never really know if a woman is lying to a man until he sleeps with her.
I wonder if there's an idea of sex as the ultimate place of knowing, where all disguises can be removed, where the inner heart & thoughts of the other can be experienced.
Perhaps that is the moment we see God.