So Christians tell women they HAVE to get married (preferably young), and they HAVE to do whatever to keep their husbands happy—or else God hates them.
It turns out the "God hates divorce" talk you mention, Malachi 2:16, doesn't mean that in Hebrew. It's a complex passage they re-wrote into the wording they wanted, and avoided looking at later until modern Bible scholars just mention it.
Verse after verse, the supposed Bible obsession with prohibiting divorce just evaporates. I realized, this was a Christian scam, full of intentional evil. An effort to lie in order to entrap and enslave women.
It's really sexual trafficking.
That's what churches do. They traffick girls.
The message is: "Marry a Christian man and do whatever he says—or the God we made up will hate you!" But the hate is just from them.