Really interesting. Far from privileging a genital connection, perhaps in this vision all forms of human connection become coitus.
But nursing is of course used as theological statements throughout the Bible. Early religious instruction is often discussed as breastfeeding (cf. 1 Peter 2:2–3; 1 Thessalonians 2:7–8; 1 Corinthians 3:1–3; Hebrews 5:12–13, etc.). I'm thinking the underlying assumption is that the Holy Spirit is conceived of as maternal.
The OT is full of nursing language of God or Jerusalem (Isaiah 49:15, 66.10–12, etc.).
In Numbers 11:12, Moses calls himself the 'mother' of Israel, giving birth to & nursing them. Many translations change the gender to male, so Moses can call himself a “nursing-father” (ESV).
So I am back to wondering if this talk is metaphorical or spiritual, and 'nursing' would read as 'teaching' and genital sex might read as any peer-to-peer spiritual interaction.
When energy is being exchanged—then the divine reality might be that a substance is actually passing between bodies.
I broached this a bit in my article on the Bible & yogis, working off a scholar who says that Christians today don't realize that pneuma or "spirit" was seen as a palpable flow, and really, a liquid.
A Christian English translation of Romans 5:5 has “God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”
The scholar re-translates it: “God’s love is poured into our hearts through the holy pneuma which has been given to us.”
Perhaps the idea is that the "holy pneuma" is a spirit flow which can pass through bodies, and migrate between bodies, through many configurations, but these finally are simply bodies exchanging the divine substance via spiritual activity.