It’s great hearing from you. But where does the Bible say you die and go to Heaven? Nowhere. The Bible refers to “Heaven” but it’s not the concept taught in churches.
Does 1 Peter 1:23 refer to a moment of sudden spiritual change, i.e. the “born again” experience of Christian theology? Clearly not. A change in bodies, i.e. the Resurrection, is being taught here.
How do you get Proverbs 16:9 to supply the idea of God having a “plan” for everyone, i.e. mapping our lives in some ideal way? Am really puzzled.
I don’t get your take on inerrancy. Where is there evidence of an originally perfect text? The Dead Sea Scrolls, etc., reveal a Bible in constant motion.
How does Matthew 19:1–3 supply evidence for a need of a Christian marriage ceremony? In Christian fantasies, apparently.