Jonathan Poletti
1 min readDec 23, 2022


It might be that a theologian could somehow loop Lev 18:22 around 1 Cor 5 and end up with excommunication as the penalty for gays, but I have never seen this done.

Clearly, Lev 18:22 insists on the death penalty, and that has been the regular Evangelical murmur.

Also note that if Romans 1 is used as a "gay passage" then it speaks of beings who are condemned, whose very desire is inflicted on them, apparently, as a curse.

"Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another."

There is no coming back from this state, and so the effort by theologians to use 1 Cor 5 to bypass the condemnation seems like special pleading.

Gays have often been executed, even in early America, but the legal problems lately would be tricky. Thus scenes like Fred Phelps saying "gays worthy of death" but also saying he was not going to execute anyone.

I covered some other examples of it in my Lev 18:22 post.



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