I'm always amazed when judgement-minded Christians go scouring the OT for bans—while deciding to ignore the times the supposedly banned things are favorably mentioned.
The first tattoo in the Bible was done by God in Genesis 4:15—the ‘mark of Cain’ is a tattoo, and a divine sign he wasn’t to be harmed.
Tattoos continue as indications of divine grace. In Ezekiel 9:4–6, the prophet is told to “put a mark on the foreheads” of the faithful. In Isaiah 44:5, they’re to tattoo their arms with words: “of the Lord’s.”
In Isaiah 49:16, God tattoos Himself. “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…”
The context of tattoos in such uses isn't quite clear, but as the Bible scholar Sandra Jacobs notes, there is “the immediate association with a betrothal . . .”
When God instructs there's to be no additional tattoos, this means the people are already bethrothed to Him. They're to take no more divine spouses.
But like a typical Christian man, you ignore facts, context, and operate only on hatred.