By some daemon whispering evil secrets in your brain, you might be right about the menstruation. I'm thinking a lot of these NT narratives—like those odd water jugs at the Cana wedding in the gospel I'm not supposed to mention 😉—have menstruation as the unspoken concern.
(New Bible interpretation rule for me: That which isn't overtly noted = unspeakably important.)
I guess where I'm going with menstruation is that the real problem at Eden seems to be the division of a bisexed human into two. This was needed to enable animal reproduction but an affront to the bisexed God.
The spiritual project seems to be fusing the two back into one—and Gospel of Thomas 22 occurs to me in this context.
There's this talk of the "enmity" in passages like Ephesians 2:11-22. Christians don't know what that is, exactly, but I'm thinking it's the dividing line between gender.